Math Strategies

An Introduction to 3rd Grade Math Strategies

Click the images to watch the videos!

Rounding Strategies 2014 Rounding clip

Addition: Breaking Numbers Apart2014 Breaking Numbers Clip

Fraction of a Number Part 12014 Fraction of a group clip

Fraction of Number Part 2 2014 Fraction of a group part 2 clip


A family from our class sent me a fabulous TED talk with Salam Khan, the founder of the Khan Academy. If you aren’t familiar with the Khan Academy, it is a not-for-profit,”With the goal of changing education for the better by providing a free world-class education to anyone anywhere.” They have an online library of videos that cover a wide array of topics, each video is roughly 10 minutes in length. They idea is that they are giving students quick, “digestable,” lessons that are specifically created to be viewed on a computer. They are changing the face of education and since I don’t want to be left in the dust, I am adapting. Many of you expressed that you would like see/understand the math strategies we teach in the classroom. After Parent/Teacher conferences I drafted up a sheet that showed all the strategies. After seeing what Khan Academy was doing, my handwritten paper seemed archaic. I abandoned my traditionalist ways and was able to find an APP that allows me to record videos like they do at Khan Academy. Let me preface these videos by saying that, they are no where near as wonderful as the ones you can watch from KA. I use my finger, not a stylus – which makes for some seriously oafish handwriting and my narration leaves something to be desired (I promise to improve my presentation). However…I am proud to say that I have made a step in the right direction, I hope that these videos are useful to you and your children!

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